Flossing Facts You Should Know

24 December 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

There is so much information out there about flossing, and while much of that information is true, much of it is also false. You can read the information below to get a better idea of which things are true and which ones are not. Flossing is to remove a piece of food lodged between your teeth While it is true that flossing can be done to remove a piece of food that is stuck between two of your teeth, flossing is also used to remove food you don't know is stuck between your teeth, as well as to remove bacteria and plaque. Read More 

Gum Disease Can Lead To Bone Loss — Here’s Why That’s A Bad Thing

24 December 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

People often cite bad breath and bleeding while brushing as major inconveniences of gum disease, and these issues can certainly be unpleasant. It's important for you to know that untreated gum disease will only worsen and lead to more serious consequences. One of the most concerning results of prolonged gum disease is bone loss. The bacteria that is consistently present in your mouth will actually cause your jawbone to begin to deteriorate, and while this happens over a long period of time, it has a number of devastating problems. Read More 

Signs That Indicate You Should Go To The Dentist

28 November 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

You might enjoy a lot of things in life but going to the dentist is probably not on your list of top things you enjoy doing. While this may be true for most people, going to the dentist is an important part of life, just like going to the doctor each year for a checkup is important. If you are not sure if you should schedule a dentist appointment, look for these signs as they may indicate you need to see a dentist. Read More 

Holy Halitosis! Three Causes Of Bad Breath And How Your Dentist Can Treat Them

30 October 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Halitosis is a word dentists use to describe bad breath. Almost everyone, including children, suffers from bad breath at one time or another. For most, it goes away when teeth are brushed and flossed and/or mouthwash is used. For others, almost nothing seems to rid them of breath that can knock flies down dead out of the air. If your bad breath seems to be a case of the latter, talk to your dentist. Read More 

Four Things You Should Definitely Share With Your Child’s Dentist

10 September 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

At your child's regular dental checkups, their dentist will look over their teeth and gums for any signs of a problem. However, your child's dentist will also rely, in part, on information from the parents to assess whether your child is taking good care of their teeth and whether any issues may be emerging. So it's important to share any pertinent information about your child's dental health, habits, and overall health with the dentist, which includes the following. Read More