Two Reasons You Should Start Massaging Your Gums

16 August 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Periodontal disease destroys the gum line, causing the tissue to recede and exposing the teeth roots to the machinations of the merciless bacteria in your mouth. Although there are a number of ways this problem can be treated, simply massaging your gums every day can go a long way towards minimizing the damage from periodontal disease. Here are two benefits you'll get by adding massage to your dental hygiene routine.

Remove Pocket Debris

No matter how thoroughly you wash your pants, lint still gets trapped in the pockets. The same is true when you clean your teeth. Periodontal disease causes pockets to form between the gums and the teeth, and sometimes food debris will get trapped there despite how well you floss and brush.

Since your brush is too big to get below the gum tissues and floss string will sometimes push the debris deeper into the tissue, it can be challenging removing the remaining food bits. However, gently massaging the gums for a few minutes before brushing can push the debris above the gumline so it can be removed.

Be aware, though, you should still visit a dentist, like those at New England Dental Specialists of Norwood, for a pocket depth reduction procedure. This is the only way to remove 100 percent of the debris, bacteria, and tartar and reduce the likelihood of it coming back in the future.

Help Gums Repair Themselves

Gum massage will stimulate blood circulation in the tissue, which can help your gums repair the damage caused by periodontal disease. Vital nutrients, oxygen, and white blood cells (i.e. germ and virus killers) use the circulatory system to reach their destination. By massaging your gums on a regular basis, your draw these substances to the gum tissue, strengthening it and providing it with the means to fight back against periodontal disease. Although this won't cause gum tissue to grow back, it can slow the rate it recedes.

You can massage your gums in a variety of different ways. The easiest is to gently brush the gums using your toothbrush for about two to three minutes. However, it's too easy to press too hard on the tissues using this method, which can cause inflammation and acerbate your gum disease.

A better option would be to use your fingertip to massage the tissue, but make sure you wash your hands before and after, and be careful you don't accidentally scratch your inner cheeks or other oral tissues with your fingernails.

For more information about gum massage or help treating a periodontal infection, contact a periodontist.