2 Small Changes To Make In Your Oral Hygiene Regimen When You Have Dental Implants

27 May 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


When you first get your dental implants, you may worry that you will have to make major changes to the way you take care of your teeth that will take up a lot of time. Fortunately, since implants are strong and durable, you only need to make a couple of minor changes to your oral hygiene regimen to ensure that they last a long time while staying in optimal condition.

1.  Replace Your Toothpaste With a Non-abrasive Variety

With your natural teeth, you may be in the habit of purchasing toothpaste that either has baking soda as an ingredient or one that claims to whiten your teeth as your brush. However, while the surfaces of your implants are durable, the abrasiveness of these types of toothpaste can scratch and dull the appearance of the crowns, especially when you use them on a daily basis.

When you go to buy a toothpaste after getting your implants, make sure you opt for a plain paste that does not have any abrasive ingredients in it. If you have any questions about a particular toothpaste or do not know which type you should buy, speak with your dentist for their recommendation.

2.  Change the Way You Floss Around the Implants

When you have dental implants, it is just as important to floss them as it is to do so for your natural teeth. However, before you start flossing, you will need to make a small change in the technique that you use to do so.

More than likely, you were taught to floss your teeth by putting the floss in a gap, wiggle it side to side, then pull straight up to pull out any stuck food particles. However, if you were to do this in the gaps around your implants, the string may catch on the bottom of the crown and loosen or dislodge it.

Instead of wiggling the floss from side to side, use a motion that resembles polishing your shoes to move the floss in and out of the gap. Then, instead of pulling up on the string, pull it straight out so that there is no upward pressure that could move the crown.

Making the above changes in the way you perform your daily dental care will help you take care of your dental implants without having to spend a lot of extra time cleaning your teeth. For more information on taking care of your dental implants, speak with your dentist.