5 Things You Can Do For A Small Dental Cavity

13 January 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Small dental cavities usually don't present any symptoms. But don't let this fool you. No matter how small a cavity is, if you don't take any action to remedy it, a cavity will grow. If the cavity grows out of control, you could lose the affected tooth. As such, if you have spotted a small dental cavity, even a tiny one, then take steps to prevent it from getting worse.

1. Drink Lots of Water

Keep yourself hydrated. Staying hydrated helps to ensure that you produce lots of saliva. Saliva neutralizes acids, both from your foods and from the bacteria that cause tooth cavities. Saliva also kills the bacteria responsible for causing cavities. It can also help repair teeth because it contains vital elements like calcium, which bolster and repair teeth.

Additionally, since food debris feeds the oral bacteria that cause cavities, drinking lots of water will also help to wash it out of your mouth. 

2. Chew Dental Gum

Dental gum keeps tooth decay-causing bacteria at a minimum in your mouth. This will help to stop your cavity from progressing. And chewing gum stimulates saliva production too, so even if you only chew sugar-free gum, this will still help to slow down the progression of a small cavity.

3. Use Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments come in various forms, such as gel, mouth rinses, and toothpaste. Since fluoride helps teeth to recover from minor damage such as small cavities, the earlier you use them the better. Your dentist can recommend and provide effective fluoride treatments.

4. Ask Your Dentist to Apply Dental Sealant (Molars)

If your small cavity is in the pits and fissures of your molars, then you can ask your dentist to apply some dental sealant to seal the damaged area. Dental sealant is tooth-colored and works as a layer of armor to protect teeth from tooth decay-causing bacteria.

5. Have a Tooth-Colored Filling Placed

Tooth-colored fillings are similar to dental sealants, but these can be applied to any tooth surface, and are usually recommended for slightly larger cavities. Tooth-colored fillings are more conservative than amalgam fillings because they require the removal of less enamel. This makes them ideal for small cavities, no matter where the cavity is.

If you have spotted a small cavity, then don't just leave it. Try the aforementioned approaches to prevent the cavity from progressing further. If you take action now, you may never need any further dental treatment on the affected tooth. Contact a company like Apollo Dental Center for more information.