Do Dental Crowns Fall Off?

6 July 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental crowns are capable of lasting many years. But sometimes, dental crowns can fall off. And when that happens, normal activities like eating and speaking become more challenging.

But why do dental crowns fall off?

Sticky foods can dislodge crowns

Although you can eat whatever you want once a dental crown is in place, sticky foods can eventually pull a dental crown out if you eat them often. If you do enjoy sticky foods like toffee, chewing gum, and licorice, try to eat these foods evenly with all of your teeth. The more you chew sticky foods with your dental crown, the greater the risk of that crown dislodging, especially if your crown is old.

Hard foods can damage crowns

Just as with sticky foods, hard foods can cause a dental crown to dislodge. Hard foods like boiled candy, well-cooked meat, and nuts, can put pressure on dental crowns. Sometimes the dental cement holding a crown onto a tooth deteriorates and no longer provides sufficient support. Thus, eating hard foods with a dental crown regularly can cause the crown to dislodge.

Hard foods can also chip dental crowns.

Acidic foods can erode the dental cement

The dental cement that holds a dental crown in place gradually erodes over time. But this erosion might take years or even decades. However, one thing that can speed up the degradation of dental cement is acidic food or drink. Just as acidic food and drink can eat away at enamel; it can also eat away at the dental cement holding dental crowns in place.

If you have dental crowns, then try to cut down on acidic foods and drinks. If you do enjoy acidic drinks regularly, you can slow down the damage to both your teeth and crowns by drinking acidic drinks through a straw to minimize contact.

Bruxism or tooth grinding can damage crowns

Patients with bruxism or nocturnal tooth grinding have a higher risk of dislodging their crowns than other patients. This is because they have no control over the pressure they exert on their teeth while they grind their teeth in their sleep. Eventually, this massive pressure can dislodge a dental crown.

If you suffer from bruxism, even just sometimes, consider getting a nightguard to protect your teeth and your dental crowns.

Dental crowns can dislodge in some circumstances. But if your crown does come loose or dislodges, your dentist can reattach it as long as the crown isn't damaged. If you need help with dental crowns, contact a local dentist.