5 Tips For Adjusting To New Braces

31 January 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Are you or a family member getting braces for the very first time, and you're worried about the adjustment period? Here are a few tips that you should know to help get used to wearing them.

Cover The Brackets With Wax 

One part of the braces that are going to feel a bit uncomfortable is the metal brackets. This is because they stick off the surface of your teeth and rub against your cheeks. It can help to have some dental wax on hand to put on the braces, which will give them a soft edge instead of a harsh edge. 

Avoid Foods That Can Cause Damage

You are going to want to stay away from foods that can potentially cause damage to your braces. This includes foods that are hard foods, such as nuts, ice, and candy since they can damage the braces if you chew too hard on them. Sticky foods like taffy, caramel, and gum tend to stick to the braces and put pressure on them in the wrong direction. Be aware of foods that are tough to chew through, like steak, which can make you chew harder than you are used to.

Use Special Flossing Tools

You are not going to be able to floss like normal once you have braces. That's why it helps to have special tools on hand to help you clean the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth. Thread flossers are going to help feed standard dental floss in the areas between your gums and brackets. Water flossers don't do as great of a job, but are good to use if that is what motivates you to brush. There are also brushes, which have tiny bristles on a wire that you can stick between your teeth.

Attend Regular Checkups

Your dentist is going to have you come back to visit them regularly. This is to check to see how your teeth are moving and then make the necessary adjustments that are needed to move the process along. If you miss these appointments then the entire process is going to take longer, because your teeth will stop shifting without adjustments. 

Use Pain Relievers

If you are feeling discomfort at first or after adjustments, you'll want to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help you get through it. Pain or discomfort should only get better and not worse. Contact a local orthodontist to learn more.